Dear friends,
I invite you to join me at the British Fascia Symposium (held online), which will take place May 20 – 22, 2022.
Yes, it’s all about fascia! For anyone who works with the body and wants to know more about the fascia, this symposium is the place to be.
Why it’s worth it
The British Fascia Symposium (BFS) is a prestigious, much-loved event dedicated to bringing the latest knowledge from the world of fascia to a variety of health professionals attendees.
Who can benefit from this event: Occupational therapists, movement teachers, sports coaches, chiropractor physicians, medical doctors, osteopaths, naturopaths, and physiotherapists.
The agenda is available here, and the full list of presenters here. Each day will run from 2pm – 9pm (UK time). You will have opportunities to network from 1.30pm – 1.50pm, however, should you want to meet new people and catch up with familiar faces.
This event is designed to inspire you and further your knowledge through lectures, workshops, movement classes and informal hosted conversations where you get to engage with the experts. The ultimate aim is to enhance your understanding of the body and provide you with knowledge that will keep your practice informed on the latest on fascia and movement.
No ordinary online event
The British Fascia Symposium (BFS) will be bringing in as much human engagement and opportunity to talk to the experts and each other as possible.
However, as a presenter, I can provide you with the coupon code BFSKelsick which you can enter on the payment page to claim a 10% discount off the price.
Therefore, this will bring your fee down to just £157.50 for three full days of presentations, movement sessions and opportunities to talk to the experts and connect with colleagues from the fascia industry.
On behalf of myself and the whole team that will be presenting at the symposium, we are looking forward to seeing you there!
Please click here for tickets and more information.
Tags: event, fascia, learning, symposium, therapy
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