Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for more than 3,000 years, providing a wealth of understanding about the body’s response to physical imbalance or trauma and ways to promote healing. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) see health as a state of harmony between mind, body and spirit. Disease is viewed as a state of imbalance that shows itself in different ways.
MaxFit works with practitioners of TCM, specifically those who practice Acupuncture, one of several practices used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The concept of Qi (pronounced chee) is at the heart of Chinese Medicine. The term is used to describe the vital energy of your body. Qi flows through your entire body in invisible lines of energy linking up your body’s systems so that they can work together. When you are healthy, Qi flows smoothly. When Qi is blocked, other systems can be impacted and, therefore, so can movement.
TCM sees the cause of disease as an upset in the balance of your body and a disturbance in the flow of Qi. The goal of Acupuncture is the correct the flow of Qi. Because changes in Qi often occur before physical disease, acupuncture can be used to fix the imbalance before the illness starts.